Friday, May 5, 2017

Japanese Cheesecake: Third Try and Still Not Right

First off, let me make it clear that I am no baker.  If I'm most of the time clueless in what I'm doing in the kitchen, more so in baking. But it doesn't keep me from trying again and again.
It has been a while since the last time I tried my hand on baking this house favorite - The Japanese Cheesecake. This is the third time. And I thought third is a charm but it isn't so in this case.

The first time I baked Japanese Cheesecake, it didn't rise at all. It was a flat cheesecake. Here it is...

The second try, it has risen a little bit, but still not enough. This time, I divided the batter into to baking dishes thinking this might help. Apparently, it didn't help much. 

Today, after quite awhile and due to insisting demand, I tried it again. I was actually feeling a bit more confident that it would come out better than the last, if not perfect. But alas! It was even worse, or maybe the same as the first try to say the least. Aside from not rising again, the bottom was still raw even after 75 minutes. Boohoo....

I don't know what I keep doing wrong. Followed the recipe to the letter and still it didn't come out right. I have a few ideas, though, as to why. And maybe it was different mistakes each time. 

I guess...

1. The temperature was not quite accurate. Maybe the oven was not pre-heated enough. I thought 10 minutes pre-heating is enough.

2. My cream cheese was not room temperature. I melted it right after I took it out of the fridge. 

3. The butter was too liquefied?

4. I still haven't mastered the art of whipping egg whites! I was quite confident that I had gotten the "soft peak" right.

But I'm betting it was the temperature, since the bottom part of the cake remained raw.

Oh well...better luck next time. Important thing is to keep on trying, right? ;)

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